Ready, Fire, Aim

Wait, what? Isn’t it supposed to be Ready, Aim, Fire?

Well yes, technically, but in this post I’m suggesting a paradigm shift that just might make the difference in your internet marketing business.

If you read my previous post, you already know how important I think mindset is for all entrepreneurs. Let’s take it a little bit further today.

In order to change your mindset for the better, the first step is to get to know what your limiting beliefs are and then challenge them and replace them with new, success-inducing beliefs.

So how do you figure out what your limiting beliefs are? Most of them live in our subconscious, so we have to get them to surface so we can then kick them to the curb.

How Do I Do That?

This is where Ready, Fire, Aim comes in handy. You get ready by having a target in mind – like quitting your day job or having your first $1000 day.

Then you fire – take action that will propel you towards your target. Now I’m not saying you quit your job before you have any plans in place to support yourself or your family. Taking action can mean lots of things – taking some e-learning courses or training to build your knowledge about internet marketing, doing income-producing activities like promoting offers, sending emails, writing blog posts, and so on.

Once you start doing these things, you will notice that your limiting beliefs start to surface in thoughts you have about the actions you’re taking. You may find yourself thinking things like:

  • What if I can’t do this after all? What if I fail?
  • Those successful internet marketers are special and that’s why they’re successful and not me.
  • My family and friends probably think I’m crazy…maybe they’re right.
  • It’s probably too late to start pursuing a new dream.
  • I’m afraid to market products to people because I don’t want to be rejected.
  • I don’t really have the time or resources to devote to doing this.
  • I really don’t know where to start, I’m stuck.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Allowing yourself to live in a head space where those thoughts are constant keeps you in a place of doubt, fear, and overwhelm. Like a deer in headlights, it’s almost impossible to take action when you’re in that frame of mind, so how do you ever expect to reach your target that way?

When you get ready and fire, what you’re actually doing is running towards your fears and uncertainties instead of shying away from them. That’s why you’ll find yourself experiencing the kind of thoughts I listed above.

But it’s okay – because in the Aim stage, you have a chance to work through that and challenge those thoughts. Every time you find yourself thinking a limiting thought, make a conscious attempt to transform it to something that continues propelling you towards your target.

For example, replace “What if I can’t do this after all? What if I fail?” with “The only way to fail is if I quit,” or “I am smart and resourceful, I can do anything.”

You can replace “I don’t really have the time or resources to devote to doing this” (which is pretty much the same as saying “I don’t want to”) with “I choose to spend my time and resources on action that will result in begin able to live the life I want to live.”

Some people get stuck in the Aim stage of action (or inaction in this case), because they are afraid they don’t know enough or are overwhelmed by too much information and advice. But Firing first – taking action on something – is better than nothing at all. There a Richard Branson quote I really like where he says, “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say YES– then learn how to do it later!”

This really embodies the ready, fire, aim principle because it gives you a target to shoot for and you can learn the mechanics as you go, mastering each step along the way.

What Action Should I Take Now?

I have an opportunity I’d like to share with you that can help you “Fire” now and take some action quickly to get you going. In my opinion it’s one of the best marketing systems out there because there is so much content available to help you learn as you go – while getting up and running immediately. 

This system creates your lead capture pages and VSL for you so you don’t have to worry about technical stuff when you’re just getting started, and you get paid immediately when you make a sale – no more waiting for two or more weeks for ClickBank to send you your money or to reach a certain payment threshold. Your money is yours the same day – 100% commission.

If this sounds like an opportunity you want to fire on and say yes to, CHECK IT OUT HERE. As always, contact me to let me know if you have any questions. 

Until next time!

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