As an avid Internet Marketer I spend time on different blogs, Facebook groups, forums to see what people are interested in and what kinds of questions are being asked. There is a common recurring question that gets asked all the time – in fact, I asked it myself when I was just starting out.
The question is…
Is there a magic bullet?
People always want to know if there is some kind of button to push or wand to wave or magic bullet to fire that will allow them to begin to profit immediately and become an overnight success.
The truth is, lots of internet marketers capitalize on this desire to sell their products in a light that gives people hope that it could be the magic bullet they were seeking. Unfortunately, most of these products do not get results and people are left feeling even more confused, discouraged, and even taken advantage of.
So now allow me to give you my take on this subject.
Is there a magic bullet?
Before you get into too many feelings about my answer, let me elaborate a bit – the magic bullet may not be what you think. There isn’t a software or automation tool I can give you that’s going to magically make money appear in your bank account (although some internet marketers will try to convince you that is possible). However, there is something that keeps a lot of us feeling stuck and overwhelmed that can have an impact on your success if it’s addressed.
The Real Magic Bullet Is…
Today I’m going to share with you the one thing that turned things around for me and led to a major breakthrough. And it’s not unique to me – it can make things totally shift for you too.
You may be anticipating that you already know what the answer is going to be – high-quality traffic, a responsive list, mastery of Facebook or solo ads, offering interesting webinars, writing awesome blog content.
Well it’s none of those things. Don’t get me wrong, all of those elements may help you grow your business, but putting the majority of your focus on them won’t result in a breakthrough. I know because I’ve been there and done that. Getting proficient in those skills is important, but the reality is that they are just tactics. I’ll say a bit more about that in a sec, but now for the reveal of the ONE thing that made a difference for me…
You might be thinking, “What, that’s it?” Yeah – that is it. And here’s why – the strongest force in a human being is to stay firmly tied to his or her identity. If you see yourself in a certain light, your subconscious is going to work around the clock to keep you in that light.
For me, I grew up raised by a single mom who worked two, sometimes three jobs to support my sister and I. I learned that a person needs to put their nose to the grind and really work to become something. I learned that money was scarce and some people just weren’t meant to have much of it. I grew into an adult operating on those beliefs and that identity with money that I wasn’t someone who could be a high earner.
So guess what? My subconscious was busy every day working to keep me in that identity. The result? A lot of false starts in my business, a lot of time taking jobs that didn’t pay well because I thought that was all I was worth, and a lot of time wasted trying to find the magic bullet that would shoot me into success as it seemed to do for other people.

How Did I Turn Things Around?
Things started to shift for me when I put my focus on answering these questions – Who do I need to become to be successful? Is my identity with money causing me to self-sabotage? What beliefs have I been operating that have been limiting?
I highly recommend that you do the same. Maybe you grew up being taught that money is evil, that wealthy people are greedy, that suffering through years of hard work is the only way to be successful.
Before you go any further in your business, you may need to let go of some of those limiting beliefs and retrain your subconscious to be the person who strives for success and has a healthy vision for why they want it. Money is just the by-product of giving value to a marketplace. Ask yourself why you want it and you’ll be on the way to a mindset shift.
If you haven’t already read it, I highly recommend taking some time to study Think and Grow Rich. If you want to know more about mindset, feel free to reach out to me on Facebook as well. This is a subject that’s near and dear to my heart – it’s so incredibly powerful!
Hopefully after reading this post you will give some thought to how to shift your mindset and let go of your limiting beliefs about success. Thanks for tuning in!